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Support Software

At Digitex, we understand your needs.

Digitex Assist, Facilities Manager, product manuals, Digitex QuickGuides, Drivers, Brochures, and other popular files are or will soon be available for download.

Digitex Assist

Digitex Assist is powered by TeamViewer and is a great tool to quickly and efficiently resolve your printing, scanning and other MFP questions. When prompted by your support, please download and run the Digitex Assist program so we can remotely support you. Once running, leave it open and provide "Your ID" and the randomly generated "Password" to your support representative.


Download Digitex Assist:

Print Audit Facilities Manager

Print Audit Facilities Manager has been discontinued and has been replaced by a new service offering.  To install please reach out to us and we can send you a personalized licensed installation.

Notebook keyboard with blue Support button

If you are interested in getting more information about our products and services, please contact us.